A Gig and a Brand-new Song
Hello F3 (Fans, Friends, and Family)!,
We just made that up – cool, No?
Two announcements:
1. Chris & Devon Aitken are playing with Carolle Hunter in Timmins at Moneta Bar & Grill (331 Pine St. S.) this Saturday night (8-Nov-2014) at 8:00.
2. We don’t want to leave you out-of-towners out of all the fun. So ….
It’s high time Chris & Devon released a new song. You can help!
Please encourage us to finish our new single, “Release Me”, for release on Remembrance Day, 11-Nov-2014, by helping us hit the 200 Like milestone for our facebook Band Page. If we hit our target, we’ll email you the finished song through our mailing list. If you are not already on our mailing list, please sign up at ChrisAitkenMusic.com (which includes, for a limited time, an immediate gift of our first three songs). “Release Me” is not a Remembrance Day song, but we thought it would be an appropriate release date, to honour our fallen country-mates, and, well, waiting until Christmas would be too lazy.
We are at 170 Likes right now, so this should be easily do-able. Of course, if you are reading this, you have probably already Liked our page. So, how can you help again? Please consider Inviting Friends to Like us on facebook.
Not everyone is going to get out a credit card or iTunes card to buy our music, though some of you have (THANK YOU!). However, in facebook, if you go to our Band Page ‘Chris & Devon Aitken’, then click the Invite button, and choose the Friends who you think might Like our Band Page, that is a free and meaningful way to show your support.
Why are Likes so important? They raise our profile on social media. For instance, PledgeMusic, with whom we would like to launch a crowd-funding project to support us finishing our CD, won’t even talk to us again until we have a 1,000 Likes!
In the meantime, press the PLAY button below for a teaser excerpt from “Release me” (featuring the Devon Overdub Choir, and a rap by co-lyric writer, Brandon Peever)…
Through your front door, and beyond,
Chris & Devon Aitken
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